Applying for the vacancy has ended
Are you passionate about sales, and communication? Are you a person with high ambitions?
Would you like to visit exhibitions in Germany, Malta, Dubai, Spain, and other locations?
Are you passionate about sustainability and do you care about nature?
EVR is a start-up with a team of 15 people. Our mission is to change the attitude towards used electronics. We refurbish used devices and give them a second life.
- Ability to handle pressure and work efficiently;
- Excellent time management skills;
- Goal-driven and highly ambitious personality, focused on producing results;
- Developed work ethic and a positive attitude towards work and life;
- Work in English with clients from all over Europe (additional language skills will be an advantage);
- Communication with new and existing clients, prospecting and pitching to new customers;
- Working with a database, publishing advertising campaigns;
By joining EVR, you will work with customers from all over the world and learn to negotiate and sell to different audiences and cultural groups.
You will understand what it takes to work under pressure within a start-up and learn how the business works from the inside. You will work closely with the company's co-founders and see what it takes to operate a business of 15 people that is growing daily.
This is an incredible chance to gain new experiences, meet new people from all over the world, and become a top producer in one of the fastest-growing industries.
Apply now and we will see you at the interview.
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About the company
EVR Solutions SIA
EVR Solutions ir elektropreču vairumtirgotājs, kas specializējas mazlietotas Apple produkcijas vairumtirdzniecībā un iekārtu atjaunošanā/uzlabošanā. Mēs esam strauji augošs uzņēmums, kurš sniedz plašu pakalpojumu klāstu un kuram klienti uzticas vairāk nekā 25 valstīs. EVR Solutions ar savu darbību veicina aprites ekonomikas attīstību, dodot savu ieguldījumu zaļākas un ilgstspējīgākas pasaules veidošanā.